Haiseas Co. Ltd was founded in Hong Kong in 2010. It is a continuation of KMK Trade, which started its operations in People’s Republic of China in 2004.
Since the beginning of our business operations in Asia we have concentrated on activity focused on building permanent relationships between suppliers and customers, between buyers and sellers of goods and services. We create a strong, secure bridge between geographically distant entities, thanks to which all sides can maximize the effectiveness of their activities. We help our clients seek new suppliers, customers, we search for goods, contractors, as well as solutions that can save our clients’ time and money. We have many years of experience in realizing projects with the purpose of creating new, unique products
Our priority is direct contact with partners: clients and contractors alike. For us, new technologies are just incredibly useful tools We emphasize physical, not virtual, participation in completing our clients’ commissions. We oversee the work of our permanent subcontractors directly in their factories. Potential contrahents are verified in their places of operation. This way, we ensure that the tasks laid out by our principals are properly carried out. We leave no room for freedom of interpretation. Thanks to that we are able to match, among others, severe requirements demanded of products in public auctions.
Thanks to our long, unique experience we can serve our clients with advice in the realms of production, technologies, formal solutions and many other aspects such as logistics, quality assurance, laboratory examinations and certification process. Our consulting services allow our clients to overcome barriers, reach new markets and leave the competition far behind.
We invite you to work with us!
Our experience is faster way to your success